At BTPS, we treat every pupil as an inquirer of Science. Our vision is ‘Curious Minds, Engaged Science Learners’. We believe that all pupils are curious about the world around us. We want to tap into this curiosity and engage them in the meaningful learning of Science.
Through our lessons and programmes, we aim to develop our pupils into curious learners with the knowledge and skills to explore and understand the world around them.
Through our Science programme, BTPS pupils will:
• Construct their own understanding about Science topics.
• Connect scientific concepts to daily living and decision making.
• Demonstrate “Ways of Thinking and Doing in Science” through Investigating, Evaluating, Reasoning and Developing and Evaluating Solutions.
• Develop the character strength of Resilience.
Through the SAM journal, our pupils form a deeper understanding of what they learn and develop skills of critical thinking. It is essential that pupils do not become proficient ‘regurgitators’ of information but rather individuals capable of applying, innovating and constructing new knowledge from what they have learnt.
Journaling allows pupils to make their thinking visible and express themselves in their preferred styles. Through the SAM (Science Around Me) journal, we actively support each child to take charge of their own learning. Journaling tasks can take on different forms, including poster design, investigative experiment, observation record, mind map generation and the application of Thinking Routines (TR). |
The use of Thinking Routines challenges our pupils to:
• Reflect and pose questions about their learning.
• Actively look for answers in their observations.
• Explain and rationalise their thinking.
• Link their learning to the world around them.
Through the SAM journal, our pupils form a deeper understanding of what they learn and develop skills of critical thinking. It is essential that pupils do not become proficient ‘regurgitators’ of information but rather individuals capable of applying, innovating and constructing new knowledge from what they have learnt.
Science Exploration Day lets pupils showcase their Science projects or research results. Pupils have the opportunity to apply and explore their understanding of Science. Science teachers guide pupils to align their projects to the practices of good scientific research.
Pupils then present their work, strengthening their communication and public speaking skills. This builds up their confidence and develops them as confident practitioners of Science.
The Learning Garden is where pupils can observe a large variety of organisms. Sharp-eyed pupils may be quick to spot butterflies, dragonflies and even the occasional Oriental Garden Lizard on a lucky day.
The experience of collecting and observing real-life data excites pupils. Teachers make use of the garden to support the understanding of concepts in Life Science lessons – Diversity, Cycles, Reproduction of plants and animals. Observation tasks in the garden makes learning meaningful as students are encouraged to draw connections between knowledge learnt in class and what they experience personally.
These programmes are customised for pupils who need additional support in the learning of Science. This supports pupils in developing strong conceptual understanding of the various topics, clarifies learning misconceptions and lets them experience success in learning. Activities are scaffolded to aid pupils in the understanding and application of scientific concepts. This is usually carried out in the form of After-School Classes (P4 to 6) or Pull-out lessons.
• Raffles Science Olympiad
• Singapore Primary Science Olympiad
• West Zone Junior Science Whiz Challenge