Values in Action
Values-in-Action: Fostering Socially Responsible Citizens
At BTPS, our Values in Action (VIA) framework aims to nurture socially responsible citizens who make meaningful contributions to their families, friends, school, and the wider community. Our three-tiered approach is designed to facilitate age-appropriate learning and practical application of values, knowledge, and skills.

This structured framework enables students to not only understand but also embody values that are fundamental to creating a positive impact in the lives of others. We believe it is crucial to prioritize self-worth before extending that value to others. That's why our younger students start by appreciating themselves first, before learning to show kindness and care to their classmates and family.
Our middle primary pupils celebrate Chinese New Year with the residents of Eng Kong Cheng Soon. They make and distribute cards, fostering connections and expressing gratitude to our neighbours, thereby strengthening our relationship within the community. Our upper primary pupils, raise funds for the residents of SASCO Senior Citizens Home. They make a commitment to make a difference to the lives of the elderly in our community.